How to Live a Healthy, Balanced Life in an Unbalanced World
Take Care Of Yourself Long Before The Symptoms Appear—If They Ever Appear At All!
Your body is working overtime to do the best it can in response to your environment. Every choice you make is critical to your wellness. Isn't it time to adopt a new attitude about taking care of yourself so you will be able to enjoy a happier, healthier, and more abundant life?
If you are wondering where to start, Dr. Brian Wilmovsky has an easy-to-follow plan that will help turn your dream of good health into a reality.
Balance is the key to remember as you start making these life-and-death decisions.
Your body is simply amazing! It has the innate capability to correct a great deal of damage, even if the damage results from years of toxicity and neglect. So what are you waiting for?
Preface: The Whole is Greater than the Sum of the Parts ................................................... vii
- Dream Health: A Way of Life .......................................................................................... 1
- Unplugging From the Matrix ......................................................................................... 17
- How to Handle Stress .................................................................................................. 27
- Diet: Keys to a Balanced Approach ............................................................................... 43
- Rest: Vital to Your Health ............................................................................................. 85
- Exercise: Keeping Strong and Healthy ......................................................................... 105
- Alternative Care: Your Best Health Insurance ................................................................ 127
- Motivation: Keeping Up the Good Work ........................................................................ 147
Appendix A: Nutrition Helps ......................................................................................... 169
Appendix B: Natural Remedies Guide ........................................................................... 173
Appendix C: My Dream Health Journal .......................................................................... 181
Notes ......................................................................................................................... 193
Recommended Resources ............................................................................................ 207
Published by Siloam A Strang Company
ISBN: 1-59979-021-1